• 01937 850 800
  • No.2 · The Haybarn

    Parkhill Business Centre

    Walton Rd · Wetherby · LS22 5DZ


Communicating the built world with AVR
Architectural Design Studio is fully equipped to manage and create quality, verified views and accurate visual representations. Like a standard Photomontage, these are an essential part of large-scale planning applications, the key difference being that they must comply with strict guidelines and methodology that is set out in a relevant national framework.
ADS Discover
With the greatest level of accuracy, we create these images to form part of the most robust planning package. We understand the level of design and skill involved when creating AVR's. This is why we tailor every project to provide our clients with regulated assets that successfully meet their specific criteria.
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    Higher degree of accuracy, therefore less chance of misrepresentation.

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    Showcases the development to the highest accuracy, assisting to secure planning approval.

How it works

After the shot locations have been established, high-resolution photography is taken using specialist equipment that successfully meets guidelines. The locations are recorded via GPS, then surveyed reference points of neighbouring buildings and landmarks are also recorded. These align with the National Grid, and next an OS map is used to locate and align the site with the recorded reference points, this ensures the 3D model is correctly located.

Let's Talk

We’re always open for a chat, so get in touch to find out how we can help

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